Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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QUILT.DOC -- Instructions for using the QUILT program Rev: 25 Dec 1993
Copyright 1990,1993 Steve Estvanik All Rights Reserved
QUILT uses half square triangles to form fascinating and intricately
changing patterns on your screen. (A half square triangle is just a square
with a diagonal line dividing it equally in two. Another common type of
quilting element is the quarter square triangle). There are 4 basic
'elements' possible: 2 squares with diagonals moving NW and NE, each of
which can have the 'top' or 'bottom' colored.
NW┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐NE
│#\ │ │ /#│ │ \#####│ │#####/ │
│###\ │ │ /###│ │ \###│ │###/ │
│#####\ │ │ /#####│ │ \#│ │#/ │
└───────┘ └───────┘ └───────┘ └───────┘
0 1 2 3
Two by two groupings of these elements form blocks. These blocks are then
manipulated in various ways (Section 2). Later you can experiment (Section
3) with different colors, palettes and widths.
These are sometimes called Douat tiles. A French monk named Dominique Douat
first published illustrations of designs using these elements in the 1700's.
I first found them explained and illustrated in a quilting design book by
Barbara Johannah ("Half Square Triangles: Exploring Design", published by
the author, PO Box 396, Navarro CA 95463).
I've taken the basic 2 color system and expanded it for the EGA/VGA system.
For variety, you can use up to 4 colors for the dark areas, using an
additional 4 colors for the 'background'. While there are potentially 8
different colors, the more pleasing arrangements usually contain similar or
repeated colors. Many interesting combinations occur when you set all the
background colors to the same value. Or, create squares, by setting the
foreground and background colors to the same value. (This is particularly
effective with smaller widths).
QUILT runs on IBM PC's and requires an EGA or VGA card.
The simplest way to run this program is as a screen saver. Type:
to start the program. A random pattern will appear. Patterns will continue
to change until you press another key. You can leave this program running
on your machine without worrying about burning in a pattern. You can also
add this to a batch file such as your autoexec.bat file. The file SAVER.BAT
shows how this can be done.
Type 'QUILT' to start the program. The title screen appears and waits for
you to press any key. he main menu then presents 2 basic types of commands:
patterns and settings. This section describes the patterns you can create
immediately. Section 3 shows how to change the settings to achieve varied
colors, palettes and sizes. Press the first letter of the function you
want. When entering numbers, type the number, then press <enter>.
This option shows all 256 patterns available. Depending on the colors you
have selected, you might want to see what the underlying patterns are, or
how your color selection changes the perceived patterns. To use your
current colors, just press <enter>. To see the basic patterns, enter any
number from 1 to 15.
There are 256 possible combinations of the 4 elemental shapes described
above. This feature starts anywhere in that sequence, and cycles thru the
patterns. The patterns are each held for a short time. This creates an
excellent demo or wallpaper mode. Later you can try varying color
arrangements, perhaps starting with some of the suggestions below. (See
Colors in section 3). The number of each pattern is displayed so that you
can note particularly interesting ones for later explorations.
Enter the number of the pattern you want to see, then press <enter>. The
requested pattern will be displayed and held until you press another key.
Select a pattern, and the basic gang of 4 rotates around its axis. This
rotation swings the pattern through a 90 degree arc while anchoring one
corner. Since each corner can be anchored, there are 4 possible rotations.
These are shown, and the program waits for you to hit a key. You can then
select a particular one or press <enter> to start a cycle that shows all 4.
In the cycle, each will be displayed for a short time. (See section 4 for
more details on the geometry of rotations.)
Some examples to look at using the default color setup:
Rotate 34, 194, 96
This option is similar to Rotate, except an edge of the pattern is anchored,
and the pattern is raised out of the plane of the screen, and flipped over
to the next quadrant. Again, each of the four edges can be anchored, so
there there are potentially 4 variations created. Some very symmetrical
patterns can result in fewer, or even just 1 group.
The easiest way to see how both rotate and flip work is by setting all the
colors to the same color, and using 0 as the background color.
Some examples to look at using the default color setup:
Flip 71, 75
This lets you change the width in pixels of the basic element. You can use
any value between 8 and 90 for VGA, between 8 & 85 for EGA.
Try widths of 8, 14, 20, 30, 50, 90 to see how the patterns appearance
changes with width. In each case, the program uses as much of the screen as
it can, while using whole blocks.
The main purpose of holdtime is to let you keep patterns on the screen a bit
The default holdtime is 1 sec. This is the time used when any sequence of
displays is run. You can change the holdtime to any number between 0 and
20 seconds. Note that a holdtime of 0 (or even 1 sec) may actually take
longer than that time, depending on the basic speed of your computer.
The current palette is displayed, and you can then choose which colors you
want to use. Current settings are shown and you can enter new values, or
press <CR> to keep the current color.
Some interesting examples to get you started (in these examples, the
background is kept to one color that appears after the slash '/'):
14 15 2 14 / 7 then try Rotation 119
12 4 15 4 /7 R194, 196
7 7 8 8 / 4 then check Individual 141 (also set width to 90)
I 148, then rotate 148
1 9 5 13 /3 R35,41
4 8 8 0 /1 R110,201,213
15 13 15 7 / 5 R217
1 9 8 1 / 15 R 106 108
6 6 8 5 /13 R136
0 0 8 9 /4 R141
You can create custom palettes consisting of 16 colors chosen from the 64
available. Colors 0 and 15 are held constant, since the program relies on
these having predictable values. You can create palettes using any of the
64 colors in the other 14 spots available.
You are first shown your current palette. Note that the default palette
does not use values 0-15. Instead, it holds a selection of interesting
colors from the total available. To change the current palette, press
<enter> to cycle thru the 64 available colors, displayed 16 at a time. When
you see a color you want to capture, press 'S', then enter the number of
that color. The current palette will reappear, and you can enter the
position where you want to store that color. The updated palette will be
shown. When you press another key, you will return to the portion of the
total color set where you were before.
When you are satisfied with the new palette, press 'Q' to end the selection
If you find particularly pretty or unusual patterns or combinations, please
send them along so I can include them in the next version.
VGA/EGA toggle.
QUILT automatically detects if you have an EGA or VGA board installed. For
the curious, this toggle lets you see what the design would look like in EGA
rather than VGA. Not all VGA boards however, support EGA, so this function
is not guaranteed to work on all systems. If it doesn't you might have to
reboot to leave the program.
The easiest way to see how both rotate and flip work is by setting all the
colors to the same color, and using 0 as the background color. The
following sections show these progressions in more details. You can skip
these sections and still enjoy the program.
4.1 Rotate algorithm
Rotation is performed by swinging the pattern through a 90 degree arc
while anchoring one corner. Since each corner can be used as the anchor,
there are 4 possible rotations. For example, starting in the upper left
quadrant, the block is rotated around element C. It stays in the innermost
area, but the surrounding elements end up in different positions in the
upper right block. In addition, all the elements themselves have changed.
Any elements that were originally 3's now are 2's (see diagram above).
Similarly 2 --> 1, 1 --> 0 and 0 --> 3.
┌───┬───┬───────┐ ┌───┬───┬───────┐ ┌───┬───┬───────┐
│ A │ B │ │ │ A │ B │ D │ A │ │ A │ B │ D │ A │
├───┼───┤ │ ├───┼───┼───┼───┤ ├───┼───┼───┼───┤
│ D │ C │ │ ------> │ D │ C │ C │ B │ -----> │ D │ C │ C │ B │
├───┴───┘ │ ├───┴───┴───┴───┤ ├───┼───┼───┼───┤
│ │ │ │ │ B │ C │ C │ D │
│ │ │ │ ├───┼───┼───┼───┤
│ │ │ │ │ A │ D │ B │ A │
└───────────────┘ └───────────────┘ └───┴───┴───┴───┘
When we anchor another corner, it will stay in the center, and the 4
groupings of elements will be arranged differently.
4.2 Flip algorithm
For flips, an edge of the pattern is anchored, and the pattern is raised out
of the plane of the screen, and flipped over to the next quadrant. This
gives similar but different patterns from the rotations. Again, the
movement causes both a relative change of position and a change to a
different type of element. In this case, though, the direction of the flip
is important. If the flip is left to right, then element 3 and 2 are
swapped, and elements 0 and 1. When the flip is up and down, then elements
0 and 3 are paired, and so are 1 and 2. If you're interested in working
through these changes, the easiest way to visualize it is to draw the actual
patterns on a pieces of paper and flip or rotate it, or study the groupings
that are shown in the program itself when you request one of these
functions. Use single colors for all foregrounds, to make it easier to see
what's happening.
┌───┬───┬───────┐ ┌───┬───┬───────┐ ┌───┬───┬───────┐
│ A │ B │ │ │ A │ B │ B │ A │ │ A │ B │ B │ A │
├───┼───┤ │ ├───┼───┼───┼───┤ ├───┼───┼───┼───┤
│ D │ C │ │ ------> │ D │ C │ C │ D │ -----> │ D │ C │ C │ D │
├───┴───┘ │ ├───┴───┴───┴───┤ ├───┼───┼───┼───┤
│ │ │ │ │ D │ C │ C │ D │
│ │ │ │ ├───┼───┼───┼───┤
│ │ │ │ │ A │ B │ B │ A │
└───────────────┘ └───────────────┘ └───┴───┴───┴───┘
Note, too, that each flip does contain 2 groupings that are identical to its
rotated cousin. In this case, starting with the group in the upper left
quadrant, it contains the same positioning as the rotated version in the
upper left and lower right quadrants.
4.3 Designing quilts
While the major emphasis of the program is on the displaying intriguing
computer diversions and patterns, it can also be used to assist in the
design of quilts themselves. Use the larger widths unless you have an
extraordinary amount of time available. Somewhere between 50 and 90 should
be best. Even at 90, the patterns can be striking. When you find an
appealing pattern, note the colors, and the basic design -- use the 4
elements in the uppermost block, then, if using a rotate or flip version,
copy the grouping you decide is best. This can become your basic template.
The best feature of QUILT is that it lets you examine hundreds, even
thousands of possibilities before making any commitments in cutting patterns
or buying materials. You can try out many different color patterns, design
ideas or variations.
QUILT is optimized for use with a VGA color board and but will also work
well with EGA screens. It is fully menu-driven.
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